I challenge each and every one of you to be healthy. Starting right now, I challenge you to take the necessary steps that you know you need to take in order to feel good and be healthy.
We all have a basic understanding of what the cause of good health is (eating fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein, staying hydrated, exercising, stretching and getting a good amount of rest and rehabilitation).
We also know what the effects of good health are; improved energy, vitality, focus, clarity, good feelings and overall well-being.
So why is it that we don't treat our bodies and our health in the manner in which we know we can?
Because the cause of good health isn't easy...at first.
It takes discipline, will power, motivation and determination. All of these traits can be learned and improved upon with practice each and every day. These traits can be developed throughout your day, so it's not something that you have to make time for. You practice these traits simultaneously AS you're going about your day and being productive. We just need the desire to be healthy and the initiative to take the first step.
So if you've had difficulty with improving your health, it may be that you are focusing primarily on the negatives, on what you don't want instead of what you DO want. Always stay focused on what you DO want.
The key to training ourselves to enjoy the things that we don't like to do, even though we know are necessary, is to fall in love with the effects of the undesirable task. In this case, the effect being good health and everything that comes with it; improved energy, vitality, focus, clarity, good feelings and well-being.
Pretty soon you'll find that you enjoy the cause (the exercise and eating habits) just as much as the effects of being healthy.
It all starts with our attitude toward the task that we're confronted with. Are we focusing on the positive aspects or the negative aspects? Are we focusing on the "can-do" side of life or are we giving in before we even try?
I challenge you to be healthy. Starting right now.
Personal Experience:
From my personal experience, I decided to eliminate bread from my life. The reason for this was due to feeling discomfort and bloating in my gut which, in turn, was affecting my mood and my ability to think clearly.
I'm not against the bread industry, it's just something that I found was not sitting well with me.
If you feel that what you are eating may be causing issues, I highly recommend eliminating any foods or beverages which may be contributing to bloating, discomfort, fatigue or your ability to focus.
I recommend documenting your food intake and eliminating one food product at a time for roughly a week or two to try to isolate the food or beverage which may be causing the discomfort.
Once identified, replace this food with a healthy alternative.
Note: I am NOT a trained nutritionist. This is just something that I have found that has contributed to my overall physical well-being. I hope this information is helpful and has been of value to you.
Thank you,
Francis J. Bills