An excellent way of obtaining greater and faster results in the achievement of our goals is by partnering up with, seeking counsel from, or hiring a good coach or mentor.
A good coach or mentor can be anyone; a friend, your boss, a co-worker, a spouse, an employee, or a relative.
A good coach or mentor can provide you with the necessary insight, advice, wisdom, or practical help for the efficient achievement of a specific project or goal.
A good coach or mentor will help you to expand your awareness to see what’s possible and to know what’s available to you, if you look for it.
Your job is to seek it, find it and accept it.
Think about a specific area of your life that could benefit from the use of a coach or mentor.
Is there a specific skill you’d like to learn?
Is there an area of general interest that you’d like to gain a better understanding of?
Think about some of the people you currently know who may be able and willing to coach or mentor you in the areas that you’ve identified.
Most people who love what they do would love to share what they know with anyone who is genuinely interested and willing to learn.
So if there’s a specific goal or a general area of interest that you’d like to become competent in, seek out a good coach or mentor to help you out and I promise that you’ll get greater results and reach your goals quicker.
*Just a word of caution: Be sure to pick your coach, partner or mentor wisely.
To your continual success,
Francis Bills