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The Importance of Writing by Francis Bills

To learn a new skill, to create a new habit pattern, to create a new mindset, to increase our awareness and therefore create better results, we must be able to take an idea, impress it upon our subconscious and then implement the idea into our lives.


(I refer to this as the “Three I’s Method” of going from theory to practice)




We all have ideas. Ideas about what we want to do. Ideas about the type of person we want to be. And ideas about what we want to have.


So what is it that prevents so many ideas from getting to the implementation stage from the idea stage?


This is the $10 million dollar question. And it’s one that I believe I can help you in answering.


The following is a practical method for impressing your subconscious mind to get from the idea stage to the implementation stage. From thought to action.


But first, there are a couple of prerequisites before doing this.


1)    You must have a desire so strong that you’re willing to commit the rest of your life to it, and

2)  You must have discipline, perseverance and faith (active faith) in your worthy ideal or desire


We all understand the importance of our thoughts and emotions as well as the importance of keeping our attention and interest on what we would like to bring forth more of in our lives.


Therefore, we remain focused on what we enjoy in our thoughts and emotions, read books about what we’re interested in, read blogs and articles about what we’re interested in, listen to podcasts about what we’re interested in, and watch videos about what we’re interested in.


If what we’re interested in involves working with others with the same or similar goals, we speak with and surround ourselves with these like-minded people.


Every one of these practices are very important for learning and creating change, but one additional action that I’ve found to be of immense value for impressing our subconscious minds is the practice of writing.


We’ve heard about the power of writing our goals down on paper but this power of writing is also a very important practice for the writing or impressing of our subconscious minds permanently.


Writing assists us in remaining focused which helps in our learning process and in creating what we want in our lives.    


What the writing does is it takes all of the information and knowledge obtained from the reading, the listening, the watching, and the speaking with others about our area of interest and it makes it our own.


Either by copying and writing the words verbatim or by choosing to write the information out in your own words, you are reinforcing and solidifying your knowledge, memory and understanding.


You begin to embody what you write about.  


It has been said that “You become what you THINK about all day long.”


If this is true, then WRITING what we THINK about must make us who we truly ARE.


When you write down the messages, ideas and information on whatever subject you are learning about, you are imprinting it into your subconscious.


The information, knowledge and your added ideas will pop into your conscious mind easily, readily and effortlessly throughout the day.

Opportunities related to what you are focusing your attention on will also appear automatically throughout your day.


Your world reflects back what you successfully keep imprinting into your subconscious.


As you do this you become increasingly skilled at intelligently expressing your ideas and thoughts to others about your area of interest. This capability assists with bringing forth what you want and love in life.  


You increase your influence because you have immersed yourself in the study of the particular topic of interest, and have aligned your subconscious with your conscious mind.   


You think, feel and act as the person you consciously chose to be and you become an expert in your field.  


Allow me to provide you with an example to clarify how this method works in practice.




Let’s say you have a desire to create your own business. You enjoy what you do and it’s very fulfilling and satisfying. You believe that your product or service is very valuable and provides substantial benefits to your customers.


You keep your thoughts focused on your area of interest, read books and articles on your area of interest, listen to podcasts from experts in your field of interest, watch videos about your area of interest, and discuss your interests with like-minded people who are currently doing what you want to do and who understand and appreciate the value of what you do.


In conjunction with the reading, listening, watching and discussing of the information, you physically write down any key points, ideas and additional thoughts from your own personal experiences. You document what is working for you and what has worked for you in the past.


As you go about your day, the ideas, thoughts and information in which you’ve immersed yourself with and wrote down begin to automatically present themselves in the form of people, events, and opportunities related to what you are seeking.


The key is to remain open and to consciously take action on these opportunities as they appear as long as they are in line with your values and beliefs.  


You can use this process for ANY area of interest that you want to improve upon, at ANY time in your life.


What you are doing is choosing an area of interest that you want to focus your attention on, studying and imprinting the good ideas into your subconscious, while simultaneously integrating them into your life.  


This is a cumulative process that builds upon itself and continues for as long as you remain disciplined and persistent.


Initially, even just a brief period of focused attention each day on your area of interest, accumulated over time produces great results.  


The more interest you have in a particular area and the more attention and energy that you put toward what you want, in turn, determines the extent of your results.


Depending upon what it is you’re focused on, your results may be measured by; an increase in income, improved health, better relationships, an overall feeling of balance and well-being, or all of the above.   


An additional benefit of using this process is that it helps you in immediately identifying what is NOT in line with what you want, which assists you in making better decisions based on what IS in line with your best interests.


Remember, learning is a matter of implementing what we hear, read, study, and in this particular method, what we write.


Therefore, begin today to add writing to the process of creating what you want. Take notes on what you read, listen to, and watch which pertain to your area of interest.


Whatever you decide to improve upon, take written notes on paper.


There is an immense and undeniable power in taking your thoughts and ideas and putting them in writing.    


Implement this method of learning into your life to receive dramatic improvements in anything in which you choose to focus on.


I have had great success with this method in studying for tests, taking promotional exams, learning about various topics from sales to investments to creating businesses, as well as impressing my subconscious to change habits and to improve my health, wealth and well-being.


It works!


Thank you and I wish you the best in all of your goals and endeavors.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions, need clarification on anything that I discuss or if I could be of service in helping you to implement your goals.



Francis Bills





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