Every day, every hour, every minute, you have a choice. You have a choice to tune in to anything you like. You can tune into dis-empowering messages of war, destruction, despair and fear, or you can tune in to messages of peace, harmony, courage and faith.
You can listen to pessimistic and life-sucking views of the world from the media, friends, relatives and acquaintances or you can choose to keep out the dis-empowering thoughts and discussions of lack and limitation. It's up to YOU.
You have the power and choice to fill your mind with constructive, empowering and life-enhancing thoughts at ANY time, whenever you please.
This is not blind ignorance, selfishness or denying "reality", this is taking conscious control of your own life to empower yourself, your family and everyone with whom you come into contact with.
You are choosing to listen only to the messages and thoughts that resonate and align with who you really are and what you truly believe in.
We all do it, whether we are conscious of it or not. We are all choosing what we want to tune in to and focus on at all times.
So I'll leave you with the question, "What are YOU tuning in to?"
It's your choice as an individual. You hold dominion over your own life. You decide what you want. Never forget this.
You set the standard for what you want in life and you don't have to take anything from others for you to get what you want.
About the author:
Francis Bills is the founder of Premier Consulting, a coaching and consulting company dedicated to finding solutions and helping individuals and companies achieve RESULTS as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Francis is dedicated to raising awareness and empowering others to do what is in alignment with who they really are and what they truly believe in.
You can reach him at: