Here is a question that you can ask yourself with the intention of inspiring thought and expanding awareness:
Q. What am I doing with what I HAVE?
This question is not meant to imply that you’re not doing enough or that you need to do more.
Quite the contrary.
This question is meant to bring attention to our ability to continually and consistently think about and apply in our lives what I like to refer to as “The 4 A’s”:
1. Acknowledge what we have
2. Accept what we have
3. Appreciate what we have and
4. Appropriate or use what we have
Q. How does this relate to my personal and business life?
A. By keeping the 4 A’s in mind, we have the ability to eliminate any feelings of being separated from our good.
Our health, wealth and well-being remains in our hands.
We cannot think two thoughts at the same time.
Therefore, if we find ourselves feeling disconnected, frustrated, impatient or discouraged, we have the ability and the choice to counter-suggest these negative thoughts and focus on what we HAVE as opposed to focusing on dis-empowering feelings of separation.
Remember, what we focus our attention on, with emotion, gets magnified.
Therefore, remaining focused on “The 4 A’s” and what we HAVE keeps us in contact with our good.