What do you expect from reading this blog?
A bunch of Pollyanna, mumbo jumbo, pie-in-the-sky thinking?
Or do you expect to receive valuable, practical insights about how you can achieve your goals quicker and more efficiently?
Our expectations play a major role in goal attainment and whether or not we achieve the results we want.
Desiring something without expecting to achieve it is idle wishing.
A key to reaching our goals then is by combining our desire with a continuous expectation of achieving them.
Keep expecting the best in everything you set out to do.
Expect believingly and be sure to continue to take efficient action each day.
Action is what gets results.
Many people mistakenly focus too much on what they don’t want, not realizing that they’re bringing it towards them.
Be sure to keep expecting and focusing only on what you want to bring forth in your life and away from that in which you don’t.
Expecting good things and good results is based on having a positive mental attitude, and it’s our predominant mental attitude that is of the greatest importance in bringing forth that in which we want in our lives.
When we move in the direction of our desires with interest, attention, continuous expectation and efficient action, accomplishment and great results are certain.
Think on the best.
Expect the best.
Be the best.
Thank you,
Francis Bills